Church History

History of the United Methodist Church

While it is true that church history is so vast and broad, with hundreds of years of tradition and education that has been passed down generation to generation, its impossible to cover all aspects of the United Methodist Church (UMC) on our webpage. However, below is some great videos of some common highlights of the UMC from a fun and energectic perspective. (Chuck Knows Church)

Who is John Wesley

The co-founder of Methodistism, John Wesley.

The Cross and Flame

The UMC Logo

Church On Sunday

Have you ever wondered why protestant churches worship on Sundays?

Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation

The Holy Bible

What is the Bible

Bible Translations

Translations of the Holy Bible

The Hymnal

The church Hymnal

The Offering Plate

Three is actually a history with the offering plate

Licensed Local Pastors

Who and what are the Licensed Local Pastors (LLP)

Lay Ministers

The Lay ministry of the UMC

Lay Servants

UMC Lay Servants

The Bread and the Cup

Looking into the reason and purpose of the bread and cup

The Lectionary

What the church Lectionary is and used for

Liturgical Colors

While there are seasons in our weather, we have seasons in the church

Wesleyan Quadrilaterial

A philosphy and educational response to the UMC church

Our Church

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